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Darling, it´s time to get you & your mission & soul business out there...

You’re stuck in an in between phase of where you are professionally vs. where you want to be.


You want to fully launch your business but you’re afraid to really go for it because you don’t feel ready enough yet. So instead you stay in your safe job, post every now and then online and continue to take one training after the next waiting to finally feel like you know what to do to get out of this in between phase. ​

Do you know that thoughts? What would other think about me?

I am not good enough / ready enough / expert enough yet!

​You have these bullshit limiting beliefs that are holding you back from showing yourself online and launching your business so instead you hide in free lancing jobs but actually you’re just doing jobs you don’t like.​YES? Then let´s talk:


Melanie Sophie Haller

Do you know these limiting beliefs ?

No problem... we will get there together:

I work with YOU to get out of your in between phase and finally launch your business.

You will become an energetic match to your business by creating crystal clear clarity with your bigger mission, your ideal client all while increasing your visibility online through energetic marketing  & branding  that aligns wholly with the soul of your business and bigger why.

What you get:



We will work together to...

  1. Launch your Website - establish your positioning, & a healthy offer structure that supports your business 

  2. Identify your Ideal client 

  3. Create clear branding

  4. Build an engagement strategy on social media that feels unique, authentic and showcases your products


At the end you will be able to:

  • You've held your first workshops and events 

  • You have a website, branding and offer structure that you love 

  • You’ve worked through your main limiting beliefs that have kept you stuck in the past

  • You will have a tribe of like minded people who are supporting you on this path. 

  • You have clarity on what your bigger mission & your expertise is and you feel confident in your ability to communicate and be more visible in it.


What we work through the whole process:

  • I work directly on this fear of being judged and help you to create new beliefs that no longer hold you back from living your life for others while also inviting you into a community that supports you no matter what you post. 

  • I show you how to bring your unique essence to social while build a connection with the people you have in addition to growing your following in authentic ways. 

  • We will work with your current expertise and learn how to create offers and content that showcase all the skills you already have now and feel confident in vs. the ones you think you still need. We will create spaces and experiences where you can share your expertise.

You are ready for this offer when:

  • Despite your fears you’re ready and willing to step into the unknown because you’d rather do that than stay where you are

  • You’re spiritually connected enough to know that you don’t need more trainings,courses, or strategies and instead need to become the energetic match to your deeper mission, business, and clients. 

  • You’re ready to be that woman that is being seen and fully visible and her work no longer listening to the stories that hold you back 

  • You are driven, you are motivated, and you are self aware enough to know that its time to hold yourself accountable to actually risk going for it. 

  • You’re ready to have clear branding, clear communication strategies and an offer you feel excited about and ready to put in the work to become that energetic match.

You & your mission are needed. Let´s get it out there together!

Melanie Sophie Haller
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